Mood Disorder Doctors
Various mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, insomnia, anxiety disorder, personality disorder, intellectual disorder, adult developmental disorder, etc. are diagnosed accurately by consulting with a specialist with extensive experience in treatment and conducting a professional psychological test.
Depending on the diagnosis, we will inform you of the correct treatment plan and prescribe treatment drugs.
In addition, we provide a variety of treatment programs that can be combined with drug treatment in connection with the program center.
We also provide parental education on understanding diseases and treatment and how to treat patients.
Kal, Minjae
Psychosis/ Mood disorder
College of Medicineat Inha University/ Psychiatric trainingat Inha Univercity Hospital/ Doctor in charge of military service examinationat Incheon Military Manpower Administration/ Psychiatristat Ministry of Justice Telemedicine Center/ Psychiatristat Kimpo Yesarang Medical Clinic