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Emergency Admission

If a person is found to be the mentally ill and with a risk of causing harm to self and others, hospitalization of the presumed mentally ill patient at a psychiatric institution can be requested with consents from a doctor and a police officer.

This case of emergency Admission must be switched to another type of Admission for continuous treatment or discharged within 3 days.

Emergency Admission

Emergency Admission Flow

  1. 1 Detection of Mentally ill Patient
  2. 2 Request for Emergent Hospitalization (In event of an emergent situation in which an assumed mentally ill patient has the risk of causing harm to self and others)
  3. 3 Escort by Police Officer and Paramedic
  4. 4 Emergent Hospitalization for 3 Days
    • Request for Hospitalization (if hospitalization is necessary)
  5. 5 Necessity for Hospitalization
    • YES

      6 Switch of Hospitalization Type

    • NO

      6 Continuation of Hospitalization
