너비 1180px 이상
너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하


  • 300 won (KRW) per 10 minutes(Free for the first 30 minutes, the maximum of 20,000 KRW per day.)

Discount Beneficiaries

  • 50% off the parking fees for patriots and veterans, Person with Disability, Light-weight Car, Low-pollution Vehicle
  • Beneficiaries should provide related documents when getting out.
  • Parking fee discounts are only available on weekdays 08:00 ~ 18:00.

Free Parking

  • Provide the medial service receipt of the very day when exiting the parking lot.
  • Visitors of in-patients(A free parking ticket will be given by the relevant ward.)
  • Vehicle using Emergency Room(A free parking ticket will be given by the emergency room.)
  • Vehicles for External Public Service-I, official events and meetings(A free parking ticket will be given by the relevant department.)